What if you listened, I mean really listened to your body?


What would you do differently?


What if self care was an alive practice that cultivated resilience instead of a box to check off on your to-do list?


What if you wove moments into your day that helped to connect you to the cycles and rhythms of nature and your body?


Learn More


Paths to explore:


One on One Coaching Sessions

Group Coaching Programs

The Nourished Nervous System Podcast

Feeling stuck is a form of chronic stress

Feeling exhausted, burnt out, overwhelmed, not aligned with the life you are living?

You are not alone.

It can sometimes feel that you are in a hole that you can't seem to get yourself out of.

This is a challenging place to be, but it also holds the potential for the greatest transformation.  

You may just need a gentle hand to help you find your way.

Nice to meet you!

Hi! I'm Kristen, a holistic life coach, ayurvedic educator, MotherCircle Facilitator and mother. I work with clients to help them get unstuck, learn about stress and the nervous system, get clarity on their vision and how to take the steps to align their life with that vision. I especially love working with mothers and women who want to shift their relationship with stress.


More about me