

A body of work by Kimberly Ann Johnson

Hi!  I'm Kristen

I'm a holistic life coach, ayurvedic educator, MotherCircle Facilitator and mother of a small human.  

I worked with children for a good portion of my life in many different ways, but nothing prepared me for the life altering journey of becoming a mother.

I believe that motherhood is a doorway or a portal for deep growth and transformation, and it is one of the most beautiful and challenging experiences of my life.

I think many of us can agree that our culture is failing us where mothering is involved, and I'm curious about the small steps we can take to shift this culture, to come together and envision something new.

I believe that MotherCircle, created by Kimberly Ann Johnson is one of those small steps.  

It’s Time To Create Mother Culture

It's time to stop waiting for the culture to change around mothering and time to start changing it.


Discover the arc of your motherhood journey

"MotherCircle is an 8 class online gathering, for mothers who want to understand the unseen arc of their motherhood journey, move out of confusion, and into greater clarity and wisdom within a supportive community." -Kimberly Ann Johnson (

In person circles will be offered in Belfast, Maine sometime in the winter or spring of 2024.  To stay in the loop about in person circles, join the Nourished Nervous System mailing list.

Here is the arc of the circle broken down week by week:


Entering motherhood is an underworld journey often not seen and recognized by the outer world. Learn the arc of this journey, the tools to be present to it, and be witnessed as you locate yourself within it.


Awareness of our cyclical nature can help us align with our innate wisdom as mothers. Explore how being in rhythm with the cycles in and around us gives us more access to our wholeness and our power.


Everything a new baby needs, a new mother also needs. Learn a powerful framework for assessing your physical and emotional wellness, and how to tend to what’s needed in your body no matter where you are at in your motherhood journey.


The predator - prey dynamic is present in our experience of birth and motherhood. Explore how this awareness and understanding of your nervous system can impact your everyday life and mothering..


There is often a split between being a mother and being sexual. Learn how to connect with your ever changing sexuality as a mother and become more at home in your body and your sexuality.


There is often a split between being a mother and being sexual. Learn how to connect with your ever changing sexuality as a mother and become more at home in your body and your sexuality.


Motherhood changes how we relate to our work in the world. Explore the relationship between your worth and your value and anchor the things that nurture your worth as part of your mothering practice.


We have a powerful opportunity to imagine the legacy we’d like to leave. We are shaped by our motherline and the mothers around us, and we can choose what we want to carry forward. Together we’ll Identify the values that we want to guide our mothering and shape our lineage.

MotherCircle is for you if...

  •  You consider yourself a mother (this can mean you have birthed a child, carried a child, adopted a child, or have mothered in any other way)
  • You are planning on becoming a mother
  • You work with mothers
  • You are interested in exploring your own motherhood arc
  • You are interested in having deeper conversations around mothering
  •  You want to create community with other mothers that also want to have the deeper conversations
  • You are ready to take the small steps that shift culture




Join the mailing list for updates on upcoming in person and online MotherCircles.